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IUPAC system for nucleotide nomenclature

by 푸른보리 2017. 4. 23.

IUPAC system for nucleotide nomenclature

Using the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) system for degenerate bases (Table 1) we can insert a single-letter code to represent our unknown region. In the above example we would use ‘S’ in place of GC, and ‘V’ in place of AGC.

Easy to memorize!

Iserte, J.A., Stephan, B.I., Goni, S.E., Borio, C.S., Ghiringhelli, P.D., Lozano, M.E. (2013) Family-specific degenerate primer design: a tool to design consensus degenerated oligonucleotides. Biotechnol Res Int 2013:38364

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