
Realistic pokemon

푸른보리 2018. 7. 19. 18:39

I started this series to push my creature design skills.

나는 N2를 독려하기 위해 N1을 시작했다.

뭔가 나의 학위과정 혹은 연구노력에 대한 appeal을 하고 싶을 때 쓰면 좋을 문장

They have an endosymbiotic relationship with a very large type of Flower.

As it ages, more of the tail becomes enveloped in flame. 

나이가 들어감에 따라- 라는 표현을 description에 함께 넣자.

The "cannons" protruding from the shell of a blastoise are easiest to relate to the water projecting siphon of an octillery.

툭 튀어나온, 돌출된_ 바위_ habitat description